♦ Eyes ♦

Bobur3’s Bobur Eyecolors 32
Eyecolors for all ages 12 colors HQ I hope you like it Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: Bobur3’s Bobur Eyecolors 32

IzzieMcFire’s IMF Warning Call Eyes N.94
– Stand alone item with thumbnail Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Female Costume Makeup’ Source: IzzieMcFire’s IMF Warning Call Eyes N.94

Pralinesims’ Perseiden Eyes N154
Realistic eyes in 90 colors, for female and male sims, from toddler-elder, under facepaint. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: Pralinesims’ Perseiden Eyes N154

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201902
Eyecolors, 10 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201902

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201901
Eyecolors, 12 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201901

busra-tr’s Eyecolors BE01
14 Eyecolors Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: busra-tr’s Eyecolors BE01

Pralinesims’ Euphoria Eyes N149
Eyes in 40 colors. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: Pralinesims’ Euphoria Eyes N149

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201819
Eyecolors, 10 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Female Costume Makeup’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201819

RemusSirion’s System Eyes
System Eyes for the Sims 4 Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Female Costume Makeup’ Source: RemusSirion’s System Eyes

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201817
Eyecolors, 12 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201817

Magnolia-C – Trendsetter Eyes
10 swatches Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: Magnolia-C – Trendsetter Eyes

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201812
Eyecolors, 10 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201812

S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201811
Eyecolors, 10 swatches, hope you like, thank you. Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Eye Colors’ Source: S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201811

Seleng’s Eyes N5
For males and females Found in TSR Category ‘Sims 4 Female Costume Makeup’ Source: Seleng’s Eyes N5